Friday, June 19, 2009

Samantha & Jacob: Wed!

I once again had the opportunity to second with the spectacular Christina of Sloan Images this past weekend and got to be a part of Samantha and Jacob's absolutely breathtaking wedding!

Samantha and Jacob were married in Pioneer's Park in Lincoln underneath the Pillar's (which have a very interesting history, having once been a part of the U.S. Treasury building and "present" during one of Lincoln's speeches). Pioneer's Park in general is a very beautiful, but the added presence of the Pillar's really takes the beauty of the site up several notches.

So it was with the sun shining, family and friends looking on and the pillars adding a sense of permanence, timelessness and majesty, that Samantha and Jacob exchanged hand written vows and joined themselves together in holy matrimony.

Following the ceremony, Samantha and Jacob forwent a limo and arrived at the reception hall in style via Harley Davidson! Their arrival was followed by much fun, food and dancing (I don't think Sam ever truly left the dance floor once she stepped foot on it!)

Samantha & Jacob, thanks for the opportunity to share and be a part of your day - Congratulations again and best wishes for your marriage and for the future!

Thanks as well to Christina for having me along!


1 comment:

Christina said...

WAY Cool Slideshow! LOVE IT!